Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Distorted Tastes

Today I spent the day outside as much as possible. I started right after E's school day by going to the "kick ass park" in Huntley. If you spend any time with me and my boys, you know of what I speak. A friend of mine and I together corralled 6 kids, fed and watered them, and then tempted each with a Sour Patch Kid. The one caveat was that I got to take their picture when they tasted the candy. Here's the best one:

Canon 30D
Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L at 70mm
Aperture f/2.8
Shutter 1/250
ISO 100
Pop-up flash and sunlight

I was forced to use flash owing to the shade provided by the picnic shelter and the full sunlight in the background. It was the only way to properly expose B's face and still have a background short of completely blown out. Oh, I promise B actually liked these little devils. He asked for another one immediately. So call off DCFS already! All in all, it was a great time and the kids couldn't have been happier. Sunlight does that.

Lastly, I too shoot in RAW and my story is eerily similar to Brandi's (nothing new there really). In fact, I look back at some of my JPEG shots and wish over and over that I'd shot in RAW. Oh well. No sense crying now. Hope your week is going well!



  1. You know I LOVE this picture. The son I didn't give birth to, is making the best face ever. I'll even forgive you for the pop-up flash. You might be the only person ever to use the pop-up flash well.

    Man, I wish I still went after you. I totally have some great ideas for this. Have fun Sere!

  2. The back of my jaw is hurting and my toes are curling... Great fun!
