Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Signs of Spring

Oooops woke up at 2am and realized I had forgotten to post my picture for the day. I even had everything all ready to post and then my day got away from me. In any event here is my post for the day and I believe Jay'me will be up later today for some Wordless Wednesday fun.

Nikon D90
Aperture F/7.1
Shutter 1/100 sec.
18-200mm @ 92mm
Natural Lighting

As usual I am wishing for a macro. The focal point on non-macro cameras just aren't the same when trying to capture things like this tree bud. Can you see the lovely spider web hanging from the bud? For our family seeing the buds on the trees around our home is how we know that spring is just around the corner. Maybe it's the farmer in my husband whose job it is to grow things, so we notice and find it fascinating. We love to watch the buds grow and then explode with life. It's pretty awesome if you have never taken the time to actually watch it happen as the days unfold. How remarkable it is from a seemingly dead living thing to just start to pop out with life and color.



  1. All I can say is: WOW-Love this! Similar to Scott's In that the faded bit's are just as stunning as the focused bits. I love the signs of baby spider traffic. I can here salutations 100's of times in dainty little voices (Charlotte's Web). SOO SPRING! Beautiful color display and really fun to study... THANKS!

  2. Beautiful! What type of tree is it? I love the way the buds look.

  3. Thanks! This would be a sugar maple tree.
